Gay bishops

The existence of homosexual bishops in the Roman Catholic, Anglican, and other traditions is a matter of historical record, though never, until recently, considered licit by any of the main Christian denominations.[1] Homosexual activity was engaged in secretly. When it was made public, official response ranged from inaction to expulsion from Holy Orders.[2] As far back as the eleventh century, Ralph, Archbishop of Tours had his lover installed as Bishop of Orléans, yet neither Pope Urban II, nor his successor Paschal II took action to depose either man.[3]


Historical secrecy

It was customary in the past for individuals - whether clergy or not - to remain secretive (in the closet) about their sexual orientation and activity. The higher prominence given today to the presence of homosexual clergy, including bishops, in the life of the church reflects broader issues, both socially and ecclesiologically (see List of Christian denominational positions on homosexuality), concerning issues of social tolerance and the relationship between social change and doctrinal development.

This has precipitated crises in various Christian denominations, resulting from divergent construals of Christian ethical doctrines (see Homosexuality and Christianity), which in turn are associated with the interpretation of the Bible (exegesis and hermeneutics). Traditionally, Christian doctrine has categorised homosexual activity as sinful. It was not until the late twentieth century, with the growing tolerance and understanding in Europe and North America towards sexual orientation and gays and lesbians, that bishops and other clergy have begun coming out. However, the controversial nature of the issue in many churches has meant that such revelations normally emerge as a result of public scandal.

However, a 2006 survey of weekly church-goers in United States found that there remains deep opposition in some congregations to the idea of gay pastors and bishops serving openly. This ranged from 80% Evangelical Christians opposed, to around only half of Catholic congregations. Other denominations show even lower disapproval, with figures as little as 40%.[4]

In modern Anglicanism

It is in contemporary Anglicanism that the issue of homosexuality and its relationship to people in the episcopate has been confronted openly. Indeed, the only large mainstream church to ever consecrate an openly gay bishop who was not celibate has been the Episcopal Church in the United States of America, a member of the Anglican Communion, who consecrated Gene Robinson diocesan bishop of Diocese of New Hampshire in 2003.[5]

There have been documented cases of other openly gay Anglican bishops, however. For instance, Episcopal bishop Otis Charles came out as gay after his retirement.[6] He had been a bishop in Utah from 1971 to 1993.

Bishop Mervyn Castle was consecrated Bishop of False Bay (a suffragan of the diocese of Cape Town) in 1994, but because most Anglicans outside South Africa were unaware of his homosexuality, and because he was celibate, no comparable controversy took place.

Bishop Arthur Mervyn Stockwood, who was gay, was bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Southwark, but also celibate. He even gently rebuked a parish vicar for initiating blessing of same-sex unions in the late 1970s.

In 1995, Bishop Derek Rawcliffe, retired Bishop of Glasgow and Galloway in the Scottish Episcopal Church, disclosed his homosexuality.[7] Like Brown, Rawcliffe had also served as a bishop in Melanesia.

When Peter Tatchell threatened the Archbishop of York, David Hope, with "outing" in 1995 as part of the much criticized outrage! campaign, Hope acknowledged that his sexuality was "a grey area" and that he had "sought to lead a celibate life" and was "perfectly happy and content".

Bishop Terry Brown, of Malaita in the Solomon Islands, attended the 1998 Lambeth Conference (which declared same-sex relationships "incompatible with Scripture") as an openly gay man (he also attended the 2008 Lambeth Conference).[8]

Appointed as the suffragan Bishop of Edmonton (London) in 1999, the Rt Revd Peter Wheatley is gay and has been living with his partner for 15 years, saying that he is "a celibate Christian living by Christian teachings".[9] This does not appear to have generated any significant controversy. Bishop Wheatley is opposed to the ordination of women to the episcopate.[10]

In 2003, the Very Revd Jeffrey John, at the time Canon Chancellor and Theologian of Southwark Cathedral, was chosen to be the Bishop of Reading (a suffragan of the Bishop of Oxford).[5] John has been in a relationship with another male priest for many years, though he also says that their relationship is celibate. As a result of the ensuing controversy, however, John withdrew his acceptance of the appointment. He was subsequently appointed Dean of St Albans. John again emerged in the debate over gay bishops in July 2010 following widespread media reports that he was the Crown Nomination Commission's preferred candidate for appointment by the Queen as Bishop of Southwark[11] though subsequent reports suggested that this was not the case or that his name had been rejected following leaking of the proposal.[12]

The Rt Revd Mary Douglas Glasspool, who is openly gay and lives with her partner of 20 years, was elected as a suffragan bishop in the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles in December 2009 and was consecrated on May 15, 2010.[13] Her election has attracted worldwide attention, including an expression of concern from the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams.[14] In response to expressions of concern that her election would be viewed as a threat to the cohesion of the Anglican Communion, Glasspool said, "I've committed my life as a life of service to the people of Jesus Christ, and what hurts is the sense that anybody might have that my name or my servanthood could be perceived as divisive."[15]

Roman Catholic Church in modern times

Cardinal Hans Hermann Groër was removed from office by John Paul II for alleged sexual misconduct involving either homosexuality or pederasty. Officially, the Pope accepted the resignation letter which Groër had written on the occasion of his 75th birthday. This made Groër, who had adamantly refused to ever comment in public on the allegations, one of the highest-ranking Catholic clerics to become caught up in the sexual abuse scandals.[16]

Archbishop Rembert Weakland of Milwaukee, Wisconsin retired on May 24, 2002 following the revelation that he had used $450,000 in archdiocesan funds to settle a lawsuit accusing him of sexual harassment. In a statement one week later, he admitted the falsity of his previous assertion that income he had earned outside of his priestly occupation (and turned over to the Church) exceeded the $450,000.[17] In 2009 he confirmed that he was gay, but did not reveal any details of his relationships[17][18][19][20]

In 2005, Juan Carlos Maccarone, the Bishop of Santiago del Estero in Argentenia was forced to resign after images were released of him engaged in sexual activity with another man. Suggestion was made that the former state governor Carlos Juarez had been involved in the release after criticism of the governor's human rights record.[21]

The auxiliary Roman Catholic Bishop of Cape Town, South Africa, resigned in July 2002 following allegations that he outed himself as gay on a sometimes-sexually charged website set up for gay priests. Bishop Reginald Cawcutt blamed the scandal on the conservative U.S. organization Roman Catholic Faithful which infiltrated the now closed website, called St. Sebastian's Angels, and traced posting addresses.[22]

Francisco Domingo Barbosa Da Silveira, the Bishop of Minas in Uruguay was forced to resign in July 2009, following a gay sex scandal in which he had faced extortion.[23][24]

Bishop Thomas Gumbleton, a retired bishop in the Diocese of Detroit, has consistently been a supporter of New Ways Ministry and has also called for homosexual priests and bishops to "come out" and be truthful to themselves and others. Gumbleton has also acted as a keynote speaker at Call to Action conferences. In 1995 he wore a mitre at a church service on which were symbols of the cross, a rainbow and a pink triangle in solidarity with the gay community.[25] Later, he came into the public eye before the Vatican's Instruction with regard to the ordination of homosexual men was released, arguing against Fr. Baker's article on the issue in America.[26]


In 2008 the gay German priest Horst Gorski was nominated for election as a bishop in the North Elbian Evangelical Lutheran Church, Germany. He lost against Gerhard Ulrich.

In May 2009 the Diocese of Stockholm elected Eva Brunne as its bishop. She won the vote by 413 votes to 365 and officially succeeded Bishop Caroline Krook in November 2009. Brunne lives in a registered partnership with her partner, Gunilla Linden, who is a priest and with whom she has a son. Brunne is believed to be the world's first openly lesbian bishop.

Following her appointment, Brunne said: "I am happy and very proud to be part of a church that encourages people to make their own decisions." She added: "Diversity is a big wealth."[27]

See also


  1. ^ Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality, by John Boswell (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1980), pp. 211 f.
  2. ^ Ibid., 214-15
  3. ^ Boswell, 214-15
  4. ^ Rasmussen Reports, 2006-06-30. Churchgoers Disapprove of Gay and Lesbian Pastors. Retrieved 2009-02-26.
  5. ^ a b The Guardian, "The Guardian profile: Gene Robinson", Stephen Bates, 31 October 2003. Retrieved on 1 September 2006.
  6. ^ LGBT Religious Archives Network, Profiles. Retrieved on September 12, 2006.
  7. ^ Helen Gibson, TIME Magazine, 2003-06-29. A House Divided. Retrieved 2009-08-06.
  8. ^ Nicholas Knisely, Episcopal Café, 2007-09-07, Another Gay bishop. Retrieved 2009-08-06.
  9. ^ The Times, 23 June 2003, article by Ruth Gledhill
  10. ^ Forward In Faith UK, Open Letter to the Archbishops, 30 June 2008
  11. ^ Telegraph Item, Gay cleric in line to become bishop in Church of England, July 3, 2010
  12. ^ Telegraph item, Gay cleric blocked from becoming Church of England bishop July 7, 2010
  13. ^ Episcopal Life Online item, May 15, 2010
  14. ^ Media Release, December 6, 2009
  15. ^
  16. ^ Obituary: Cardinal Hans Hermann Groer; Disgraced Archbishop of Vienna.(Obituaries) - The Independent (London, England) - HighBeam Research
  17. ^ a b Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, 2002 June 1
  18. ^ WITI-TV, Milwaukee, 11 May 2009, relaying an Associated Press report
  19. ^ National Review, 2002 May 24
  20. ^ Dahir, Mubarak (2002-07-23). "The dangerous lives of gay priests". The Advocate. Retrieved 2007-07-07. 
  21. ^ - retrieved 6 August 2009
  22. ^
  23. ^ On Top Magazine, 2 July 2009, "Uruguay Bishop Steps Down Amid Gay Sex Scandal".
  24. ^ Catholic News Agency, 1 July 2009, "Pope accepts resignation of Uruguayan bishop accused of sexual misconduct".
  25. ^ New Ways Ministry. 1995 Building Bridges Award Recipient 1995
  26. ^ America. Yes, Gay Men Should Be Ordained 30 September 2002
  27. ^ - retrieved 6 August 2009



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